“It’s not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.” Jon Krakauer

True strength is more than an ability to endure and overcome obstacles. It goes beyond physical attributes and resiliency. True strength can be found in vulnerability, personal resolve, and a desire to inspire and empower ourselves, those we love, and the world around us. At the core of true strength is one thing and one thing alone: Love.

Love is what gives us the confidence to tackle difficult things. Love empowers us with a strength that goes beyond the physical and transcends into the divine. Whether it is love for a person, a community, or one’s self, this deep emotional connection to a higher purpose is the key to true strength – and when we choose to use that power to lift others to discover their inner strength, we can change the world, one person at a time.

I launched Style Power Designs because I believe our clothes can empower and inspire us to be our best. The clothes we wear can help us feel strong, powerful, confident, and able to take on the world with heart, tenacity, fearlessness, and love. I wanted to offer pieces of stylish, wearable apparel that let you feel like you could slay any dragon, climb any mountain, and tackle any challenge you might face.

Inspired by my bold, beautiful, and brilliant daughters Charli and Ashley, and constantly supported and empowered by my husband Michael, I set out to create a clothing line that could help others unleash and uncover their own true strength, all while sharing the message of personal power and confidence with others through our designs. Whether you need a little reminder to straighten your crown, a pick-me-up message to boost your mood, or want to share a smile with strangers on the street, Style Power Designs delivers stylish, inspired, and empowered pieces of clothing for men, women, and children that encourages each of us to be our very best.

That’s my true strength. What’s yours?